First inquiry: the code you searched is for JAC
international genuine parts, please ensure using. t
Second inquiry: the code you searched is for JAC
international genuine parts. This
is 2 inquiry. The first inquiry time is at ….. If the time is
different with your real inquiry
time, be attention whether the parts is faked. Any question,
please feel free to contact
JAC dealer there or contact JAC directly for further information.
Third inquiry: the code you searched is for JAC
international genuine parts. This is 3
inquiry. The first inquiry time is at ….. If the time is different
with your real inquiry time,
be attention whether the parts is faked. Any question, please feel
free to contact JAC
dealer there or contact JAC directly for further information.
Fourth inquiry: the code you searched is for JAC
international genuine parts. This is
4 inquiry. The first inquiry time is at ….. If the time is
different with your real inquiry time,
be attention whether the parts is faked. Any question, please feel
free to contact JAC
dealer there or contact JAC directly for further information.
Fifth or more inquiry: you have exceeded to the
stated inquiry times. Please be attention whether the parts are faked. Any question, please feel
free to contact JAC dealer there or contact JAC directly for further information.